Mini-tour 2010 – Vancouver
Thursday, Feb 11
The morning was cold, dark, and it was way too early to be at school. 7:30 AM, that’s suicide for a college student. If it wasn’t for the arctic temperature that chilled me to the bone I would have passed out right beside the Concordia doors. Suddenly, I saw Josh, wearing the ugliest sweater known to man. Seeing him cheerfully show off his choir enthusiasm I felt invigorated and full anticipation of what we were going to do – we were on our way to the beautiful British Columbia to spread the God’s love and Holy Harmony to the world.
On the bus, we sing Rebecca a joyous Happy Birthday. Everyone is nestled in their seats ready for an adventure. Megan takes charge with a head count and makes sure no one is left behind. She begins to sound off our names but becomes stumbled on a certain name. HuGh she calls out. Hugh eloquently corrects her in French; I couldn’t understand what was said but it was magnifique nonetheless. Everyone has a good laugh. Its warm and inviting, comparable to a large family sharing a single moment of happiness together. Then Ryan came on the scene. It was time to get serious. With his deep and powerful voice he delivered a gracious devotion which inspired our hearts and prepared us for our journey. 8:00 AM. I look around me and the mood on the bus is calm. Our senses are dulled by the ambiance of the moving bus. It is so peaceful and safe. I can’t help but feel that this is where God wants me to be.
Continuing our voyage we pass the time by watching some movies. Up is my favorite. Squirrel! The queens of fun Lyndsey and Simon make us hum to our hearts content. Humdingers are fun. Wes shocks us all with his knowledge music, especially Lady Gaga, but that’s okay. We know Lydnsey’s dirty little secret too – Jonas Brothers on her iPod.
In Kamloops we get settled in. Pinky decides to take one for the team. He gets his head shaven for cancer. I’ll admit, the whole ordeal looked pretty painful but he stuck it out. You’re a good man Aaron. Afterward we put on a performance for the church. Gavin and Justin rocked the guitars, Matt and Ryan busted out the wooden spoons, and Anna brilliantly played her violin. When we sung our last note there was a tender smile on Joy’s face, indicating we did okay, and that’s always a good sign. With our “A’Rovin” done for the day, we met up with our billets and got ready for Richmond.
We’re finally here. Its amazing. I love this place. There’s warm weather, a gentle rainfall, and people everywhere, as far as the eye can see. We get off the bus and get ready for Fusion. After a quick debriefing I get lured outside by the smell of free hot dogs. Children are laughing, volunteers are smiling, and the choir is having a blast. 90 seconds and four hot dogs later I’m right in the middle of all the action. Running under a rainbow colored parachute, then trying to balance on stilts, and finally attempting to juggle I am completely in the moment. I look around and I see Shabana is happily talking to a Fushion volunteer, Gavin is making Karlee laugh so hard I think she might pass out, and I see Josh rush to get his free hot dog, then run off somewhere. Savanah signals me and its time to check out Ozone. There the atmosphere of the Olympics is intoxicating. Everyone is wearing something that has Canada on it. The National pride is inspiring. I am so moved that I decide to show Richmond some Edmonton pride. I compete with a bunch of little kids at a button pushing game, they don’t stand a chance, I show them whose boss. After I get tired of hearing them cry I leave. Just kidding. Back at the church we watch the opening Olympic ceremony, shared our adventures with each other then headed off to bed.
Other than almost freezing to death in my sleep I really have nothing to say because the choir basically split up for the rest of the day. I will, however, let you know that I baked for the first time in my life, and I got to make some fantastic new friendships and strengthen old ones. As I sit here in the airport writing down my whole experience it becomes clear to me how important relationships are. Once in a while I need to tell the world to Hush because life is calling my name. If I get too caught up in trying to attain my career then I will miss out on those moments and relationships that define who I am. I want to give Glory to the Father and thank Him for showing me what life is truly about. This trip helped me see how to enjoy life on a whole new level and appreciate the things I take for granted. I believe God has many more things He wants to reveal and it is by Faith that Thou Shalt Know Him.
We’re finally here. Its amazing. I love this place. There’s warm weather, a gentle rainfall, and people everywhere, as far as the eye can see. We get off the bus and get ready for Fusion. After a quick debriefing I get lured outside by the smell of free hot dogs. Children are laughing, volunteers are smiling, and the choir is having a blast. 90 seconds and four hot dogs later I’m right in the middle of all the action. Running under a rainbow colored parachute, then trying to balance on stilts, and finally attempting to juggle I am completely in the moment. I look around and I see Shabana is happily talking to a Fushion volunteer, Gavin is making Karlee laugh so hard I think she might pass out, and I see Josh rush to get his free hot dog, then run off somewhere. Savanah signals me and its time to check out Ozone. There the atmosphere of the Olympics is intoxicating. Everyone is wearing something that has Canada on it. The National pride is inspiring. I am so moved that I decide to show Richmond some Edmonton pride. I compete with a bunch of little kids at a button pushing game, they don’t stand a chance, I show them whose boss. After I get tired of hearing them cry I leave. Just kidding. Back at the church we watch the opening Olympic ceremony, shared our adventures with each other then headed off to bed.
Other than almost freezing to death in my sleep I really have nothing to say because the choir basically split up for the rest of the day. I will, however, let you know that I baked for the first time in my life, and I got to make some fantastic new friendships and strengthen old ones. As I sit here in the airport writing down my whole experience it becomes clear to me how important relationships are. Once in a while I need to tell the world to Hush because life is calling my name. If I get too caught up in trying to attain my career then I will miss out on those moments and relationships that define who I am. I want to give Glory to the Father and thank Him for showing me what life is truly about. This trip helped me see how to enjoy life on a whole new level and appreciate the things I take for granted. I believe God has many more things He wants to reveal and it is by Faith that Thou Shalt Know Him. ---By John Phoa who had to leave early and missed a lot more of the fun.
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